How To Put A Patch On A Leather Jacket?

How To Put A Patch On A Leather Jacket?

Leather jackets were originally made for military pilots. Aren't we all aware of this fact? The point is that even today, patches are a great fashion statement. So whether your jacket got ripped or you just want to add some fun to your style, a patch can do it for you. The leather jacket looks so cool with patches, don't you think? You almost give a brief introduction to the people you meet without saying anything. It speaks volumes about your hip and funky personality. The best part is that you can sew patches on leather jackets easily on your own!

Hand stitching patches onto leather jackets is more difficult than sewing them with sewing machines. But you can be more careful and delicate when stitching with your hand. Anyhow, the trick is that after attaching the patch to the jacket, stitch until the first and last stitches overlap. Although you can use ironing or gluing, sewing will always be more effective. On that note, here is a detailed look at how you can sew a patch on a leather jacket.

Steps To Sew a Patch On A Leather Jacket

Steps To Sew a Patch On A Leather Jacket

Hand sewing through leather takes longer than sewing through leather with a sewing machine. Therefore, you should purchase a sewing machine made specifically for leatherwork. Standard sewing machines are not powerful enough to handle the job. So it's better if you use a heavy-duty sewing machine for this. You might be able to buy such a machine online as well.

The next step is to set up the machine with a wide stitch and an 18-gauge needle. Sewing machines should be threaded with upholstery thread made of polyester or nylon. Use a leather needle if you want the best results. Alternatively, make sure that the needle is sharp and thick.
Make sure the back of the patch is coated with spray adhesive.

Just a simple misting of the adhesive would be enough. Decide where to place the patches. The patches should now be placed on the jacket. The patches should feel secure when you press them down gently. For assistance with placing the patches, you can use the jacket's seams as a reference point.

The patch is now ready for sewing, so start at a corner. During sewing, take care to stay as close to the patch's border as possible. Take it slow on the tricky curves as well.

Using Glue To Put A Patch On A Leather Jacket

Using Glue To Put A Patch On A Leather Jacket

An excellent leather glue is capable of attaching any patch with a strong, lasting bond. Most hobby stores and online retailers sell leather glue that can help you with this task. Once you have all the tools and the patch, get started.

Exposed the back of the patch by turning it over. The glue should be applied according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. There are adhesives meant for single-sided use, while others can be used on both sides.

Ensure that the patch is properly placed on the leather jacket. Make sure that the adhesive does not drip onto other parts of the leather. This is because moving the patch to a different area of the jacket will leave a stain from the adhesive. Pick a spot and stick to it. Place a heavy, flat object onto the patch to put pressure. Leave it to dry for 48 hours before wearing it.