How To Remove Mould From Leather Jacket?

Leather jackets and accessories are luxury items that take your whole look to the next level with minimum effort. However, they’re very much prone to getting molds. It can happen if the temperature or humidity level is too high. Leather is basically animal skin that must be kept at a certain temperature to avoid permanent damage. Too much water or heat exposure can ruin it beyond repair. Mold and mildew form in moist, dark areas. We don't mean to scare you but a tiny mold can spread quite quickly so you’re required to take action as early as possible. If the problem isn't addressed quickly, the growth can permanently damage your leather surfaces, discolor white leather, and easily spread to other items.
In order to deal with this issue at home, you need to know exactly what you’re doing. Proper tools and techniques must be adopted to avoid any damage to your leather surface. If you’re not taking your leather jacket to the professional for cleaning, let’s go through some simple steps to help you get rid of the molds in an effective way.
Tools And Material To Clean Moulds
If you’re hoping to get the ideal outcome from cleaning, conditioning, and moisturizing your leather jacket, it’s absolutely essential that you use the right kind of tools. While cleaning your jacket, take good care of your hands and wear gloves because detergents contain chemicals that can be damaging to your skin. Here are some other things you must keep handy while getting rid of molds from your leather jacket:
- Gloves
- Scrub brush
- Rubbing alcohol
- Water
- Paper towel
- Leather detergent
Things To Avoid While Cleaning Leather
You must have noticed that everyone talks about things you should do but we hardly ever see anything about the stuff we should avoid in order to make a leather jacket last for a longer time. It’s time we started addressing these things, especially when you’re trying to get rid of molds at home. Before you begin to treat your leather garment or item yourself, these are some things you should be aware of:
- Never wash your leather jacket in a washing machine.
- If you see a spot or a mold on your jacket, clean it right away. Dont wait for it to get worse.
- While cleaning and using any product on your jacket, always spot-test a small area of the item.
- Never forget to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a leather cleaning product.
Remove Moulds With Soap
One of the most common and popular methods of cleaning molds out of your leather jacket is by using a simple mild soap. Make a solution of 1 part liquid soap and 4 parts water, Dip a paper towel and start to rub it gently on the leather surface. But first, use a brush with soft bristles and remove any loose mold from the surface of your jacket. Remember to clean the brush that you’re using on your jacket. Once the molds have been removed from your jacket surface, clean the area as soon as possible because they spread pretty quickly.
This method is best for the type of leather that has a certain finishing. It means that there is a coating of pigment atop. You can also use a sponge instead of a paper towel to apply soap onto the mold and use a damp cloth to wipe it off. Avoid too much water exposure because that can damage your leather.
Note: Check if the water darkens or stains your jacket. If yes, do not proceed with soap or water. Make sure that the bacteria have not moved to the inner layer of your clothing. If you see any signs, treat the inner layer as well.
Remove Moulds With Vinegar
Vinegar is easily available in every household hence you can get rid of the molds from your leather jacket right away. Don't wait for it to spread and ruin your entire piece of clothing.
Dip a paper towel in the vinegar mixture and rub it gently on the leather surface in circular motions. The mixture will kill the bacteria that causes mold to grow. Do not use force as you may damage it. Use a dry piece of cloth to wipe off any access liquid.
Note: Always do a patch test prior to applying it on your entire jacket to make sure that the vinegar mixture does not cause discoloration.