No matter what you’re planning to do to alter your leather, always start by cleaning it. Whether you’re going to paint it, emboss it, treat it for scratches or even shrink it, make sure that your leather is free of...
Leather comes in different textures, finishing, and other characteristics. Based on these, we can figure out how long-lasting are they to make an informed purchase decision. Leather is finished, sanded, buffed, and tanned using different techniques which make a difference...
Epi leather was not that popular a while ago but then, Louis Vuitton started making bags using this leather and made it famous. Epi leather is basically vegetable-tanned leather that has stamp patterns all over it. Vegetable tanning could be...
If you’re a history freak you must know that back in the early 90s when real leather was expensive and the world was going through inflation, people looked for cheaper alternatives for clothing. That is when something called Rexine came...
If you know a little bit about leather, you’d realize that one can not just go to the market and ask for a leather jacket, bag or shoes. You have to have a piece of knowledge about the types, grades,...
Leather can be complex and understanding different layers, grains, and types of leather can be tricky and sometimes confusing. Those who are only interested in just grabbing a fashionable leather outfit without having to figure out the types of leather...
The name could be a bit misleading and people often assume that this kind of leather has something to do with horses or their skin. That’s crazy and not true. Crazy Horse Leather is actually the finishing that’s done after...
Leather Finishing is the process that determines the final appearance of the surface of the leather and its properties no matter what type of leather is in question. The process is long, technical, complex, and takes highly skilled professionals to...
If you’re a leather enthusiast and know a little bit about the types of leather, you’d be familiar with this type as well. Horween chromexcel leather is basically a leather manufacturing company based in America founded in 1905. They specialize...
Leather comes in many shapes and varieties so it is important to know which one you’re getting your hands on while making a purchase decision. Real leather can be expensive, and frequent buyers might not prefer spending that much regularly,...
Faux leather has many names that is why people often get confused and think that any leather is real except the one that comes under the name “faux”. However, faux or fake leather is also referred to as Leatherette or...
Leather is a super fine and luxurious material when it comes to jackets, bags, or any other accessories. Altering it might sound adventurous but if not done right, it may lead to irreparable damage so if you’re getting into it,...
To answer this question, first, we need to understand what painting leather actually means. People might get confused between dyeing and painting a leather accessory but these are two totally different things. Painting on leather is a supercool process that...
A question might pop up in your head: why on earth would somebody try to experiment with their precious leather accessory to make them smaller? What’s the necessity to shrink a certain leather item? Well, sometimes things don't fit perfectly...
Suede leather usually comes from the underside layer of the animal skin. It is one of the most popular types of leathers as the quality of this one is different from others. The difference is mostly of the texture as...
Your leather jacket or precious leather laptop bag can be your favorite accessories to carry to the office every other day. Considering the ever so unpredictable Australian weather, there are higher chances that the sun is shining in the morning...
No doubt leather is a luxurious piece of clothing that takes your ordinary attire to the next level and gives you an elite look. However, taking care of your leather jacket or bag can be a tricky task considering how...
Although there are several cleaners you can get your leather jacket dry cleaned from but some people don't trust anyone with their precious leather accessories. For those of you, here’s how you can clean your jacket without ruining it. Before...
From clothing to furniture and seat covers for your vehicle; leather can be found everywhere. No doubt leather is a durable material that can stand the test of time but being tough doesn’t mean that it can handle any damage...
If you go out to buy a leather jacket or search for one online, you’d be surprised to see the overwhelming number of types and finishes of the leather. So in order to know better, we must answer the question...
Someone once said that there’s beauty in aging and we’re 100% sure that they were talking about leather. You must have heard people say about leather that with time it gets better. Well, just the real leather, not all. It...